Seems Pretty Straight Forward:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install netatalk sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon Add:
/huge/TimeMachine "TimeMachine" options:tm to
Create /etc/avahi/services/afpd.service with contents:
<service-group><br /> <name replace-wildcards=”yes”>%h</name><br /> <service><br /> <type>_afpovertcp._tcp</type><br /> <port>548</port><br /> </service><br /> <service><br /> <type>_device-info._tcp</type><br /> <port>0</port><br /> <txt-record>model=Xserve</txt-record><br /> </service><br /> </service-group> Restart everything:
sudo service netatalk restart && sudo service avahi-daemon restart
Create Encrypted Disk images in OSX
Encrypt files for safety | Utilities | Macworld.
Useful for your macbook pro.
iPhone, iPad and PCs
So Read-it-later is a webs service that allows you to book mark articles to read later. The did an interesting analysis of what people read when and on what devices. Their results compare pretty much to my usage profile for the iPhone and iPad.
The iPad is a couch consumption device. I use it for reading email, quick email replies, reading facebook, surfing the web, and as an e-reader. I don’t find it good for creating content out side of the most basic snark-attacks on someone’s wall.
Mac 101: Whats happening when your Mac is starting up?
Useful guide to Mac troubleshooting. I wasn’t sure what the difference between the gray apple screen and the grey apple screen with the spinning gear.
Mac 101: Whats happening when your Mac is starting up?.
DoubleCloud » What Lessons You Can Learn from Google on Building Infrastructure
I’m going to add this site to my blogroll. The author is one of VMWare’s R&D honchos.
Interesting tid-bit on how to DOS Google if you’re so inclined.
Some of the search queries can cause huge IO. One example Jeff gave is “circle of life” as one phase enclosed in double quotation marks. It could incur 30GB I/O before. As I just searched on Google, the phrase is now a song name.
We’re gonna need a bigger <strike>boat</strike> pipe.
I’ll admit, we use Netflix streaming and Netflix a lot. I just don’t see the NetFlix catalog as being big enough to encompass 20% of consumer bandwidth.
Netflix streaming consumes 20pct of download throughput during weekday primetime hours
via How Google TV Could Hand Netflix The Entire Streaming Universe | paidContent.
GaTech algorithm can detect what route a call takes
I find it fascinating what kind of electronic fingerprints are left by modern technology. From password guessing based on the intervals between packet transmission to detecting minute gaps in an analog conversation to determine a call originated in Nigeria and not New York.
Voice-routing call fingerprint system fights ‘vishing’ • The Register.
Engineering at UGA
Stephen Fleming, a former Venture Capitalist, who now handles commercialization of intellectual property for Georgia Tech, penned a good blog post on UGA’s expressed interest in creating an engineering program.
Campus rivalry aside, Fleming makes the case that the money could be best spent elsewhere. More funding for K-12 Math and Science, expanding the Georgia Technical College System, or expanding the instructional facilities at Georgia Tech, would cost a fraction of the tens of millions of dollars it would cost to create an engineering program from scratch in Athens.
The BabyDragon & vSphere musings…..
$1500 for a new ESXi server for vSphere 4.1 is a bit high. Unlike this guy, I have a lab in the basement so decibles aren’t as important as capex and opex costs.
Plus, to have a lab in the basement where I can do things with a cluster would require two of these beasties. Running a second on the iMac i7 probably won’t cut it. Last time I needed a lab for something it was because a network change crapped out 1/4 of my primary vSwitch.
Virtual Appliances
VMWare ESXi 4.1 looks incredibaly interesting. It has better monitoring functions, better authentication integration and other cool features. I need to upgrade.
Sadly, the CPU in my current VMWare host doesn’t support the Intel vt extensions so it won’t run 64bit VMs, and it won’t support ESXi 4.1. So I’m looking at having to drop at least a grand to get a new server capable of running the latest VMWare. My Media Center PC could do it, but sadly, the Shuttle PC I was going to make my Media Center PC has a dead power supply, and Shuttle doesn’t carry accessories anymore.